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How to Grow Your Business by Leading with Happiness

Mike Horne
December 30, 2022
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Imagine this: you are the head of a company, and it is your responsibility to ensure everything runs smoothly. Your employees look to you for guidance, and you are responsible for setting the tone for the entire organization. That sounds like a lot of pressure, right? Well, it is – but it's also a gratifying job, and many discover happiness at the helm. When leaders are happy, their employees tend to be happier too. This can lead to better outcomes for the company as a whole.

In this blog post, I will discuss the relationship between happiness and effective leadership and provide examples of how business people can create a positive work environment by being happy.

When it comes to leading a successful business, many factors come into play. Of course, you need to have a great product or service and a sound business plan. But another critical element of success is having an effective leader at the helm. The research is clear: happier leaders produce better outcomes.

So what does this mean for business leaders? It means that happiness is not only crucial for your well-being, but it can also have a positive impact on your business. If you want to be an effective leader, it is essential to discover happiness and create a positive work environment.

Underneath the Hood: Authenticity, Congruency, and Integrity

When it comes to happiness, authenticity is key. You need to be true to yourself to be happy. This means being honest about your thoughts, feelings, and actions. It also means living in alignment with your values. If you value integrity, you will ensure your thoughts, words, and actions align with that value.

Being authentic and living in alignment with your values can be challenging. But it is essential if you want to be happy – and an effective leader. When you are authentic, people will trust you and respect you. They will also be more likely to follow your lead. So if you want to create a positive work environment and be an effective leader, aim for authenticity.

Aiming for congruency doesn't mean you have to be perfect. It just means being honest about who you are and your beliefs. It also means being consistent in your thoughts, words, and actions. If you can do this, you will be a more effective leader and a happier person.

Authenticity is key to happiness and successful leadership. The benefits of being an authentic leader are many. For one, you'll be happier. You'll also be more effective as a leader because people will trust and respect you. They will also be more likely to follow your lead.

Being authentic can also help you to avoid burnout. Burnout is not uncommon among those who try to lead inauthentically. When you show inauthentically, you are out of alignment with yourself. This creates stress and can eventually lead to burnout. So if you want to avoid burnout and be a more effective leader, aim for authenticity.

Six Tips to Develop Happiness in Organizational Life

1. Encourage positivity

One of the best ways to create a happy and positive work environment is to encourage positivity among your employees. This means building a culture where employees feel good about coming to work and feel part of something larger than themselves. Encourage your employees to set goals and celebrate their accomplishments. Help them see the value in their work and how it contributes to the company's success. You can accomplish improvement in this area by providing a safe place to work and competitive wages.

2. Communicate openly and honestly.

Influential leaders know that communication is critical. When you communicate openly and honestly with your employees, it builds trust and respect. Employees need to feel like they can come to you with any concerns or questions they may have. Let them know that their input is valued and that you are open to hearing new ideas. Let's replace guarded and cautious communication with greater transparency. Openness is an antidote for endless gossip and is a sure way to fuel your people and purpose. Remember, if it can be found out, it will be found out.

3. Delegate responsibility.

One of the biggest mistakes leaders make trying to do everything themselves. This leads to burnout and sends the message that you don't trust your employees to do their jobs. Instead, delegate responsibility as a means for efficiency and effectiveness. Delegation allows leaders to focus on their strengths. Delegation shows trust in employees and can motivate employees to do their best work. This will not only make them feel good about their work, but it will also free up their time and allow them to focus on other essential tasks.

4. Be a role model.

As a leader, you set the tone for the entire organization. You need to lead by example if you want to create a positive work environment. Show your employees you are passionate about your work and enjoy coming to work each day. Let them see that you care about your team and that you are willing to go above and beyond to help them succeed.

Role modeling also demonstrates the desired behaviors or attitudes that you want your team to display. For example, a critical leadership role is to motivate and inspire your team. Leading by example is the best way to encourage others to follow suit. You need to provide them with the support they need to succeed. Please encourage them to take risks, step outside their comfort zones, and push themselves to new limits.

Let your colleagues know that you believe in their abilities and that you are there to help them reach their full potential. When employees feel supported by their leaders, they are more likely to be engaged and productive. This is part of the onward journey of modeling leadership that others can emulate.

5. Develop Employee and Team Strengths

There are several things that leaders can do to develop employee and team strengths and create a happy workplace:

  • It is important to set clear goals and expectations for employees. Employees who know what is expected of them are more likely to be satisfied with their jobs and feel a sense of purpose in their work.
  • Leaders should provide employees with the resources they need to succeed. This includes adequate training, adequate staffing levels, and the latest tools and technology. When employees have what they need to do their jobs well, they are more likely to be happy and engaged.
  • Leaders should create an environment where employees feel valued and appreciated.

Employees who feel like they are valued team members are more likely to be happy and lead effectively.

6. Reward success.

When your employees do a great job, be sure to let them know that you noticed. A little recognition can go a long way in making your employees feel appreciated. Try to find unique and personal ways to reward your employees for their hard work. This could be anything from a bonus or gift card to simply saying "thank you" in front of the whole team. Remember to focus on the singular and unique contributions others bring.


Think about it: when was the last time you were really unhappy and able to lead effectively? Chances are, it wasn't possible. Unhappiness saps our energy and motivation, making it difficult to do our best work. On the other hand, happiness gives us the boost we need to achieve great things.

If you want to be a more effective leader, focus on your happiness first. It may sound counterintuitive, but the best way to lead others well is to focus on your own happiness. When you're happy, you're more likely to be creative, productive, and resilient in the face of challenges. You're also more likely to have a positive outlook that rubs off on those around you.

While we can discover many factors that contribute to effective leadership, happiness is undoubtedly one of the most important. Remember, when individuals are happy, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated, which leads to better performance and results. In short, happiness is a crucial ingredient for successful leadership.

By following the tips previewed in this article, you can create a happy and positive work environment that will lead to more success for your business. You may just be surprised by the amazing results. Let's create positive work environments that allow you, your team, and your organization to thrive.

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