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Unlock Your Leadership Potential: Tailoring Learning to Reach New Heights

Mike Horne
September 20, 2024
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Public Service Announcement: Are you leveraging your unique learning style to its fullest potential, or are you leaving growth opportunities on the table?

In my journey of coaching leaders, I have recognized that everyone learns differently, and understanding these differences is crucial for meaningful development. This personalized insight has become the cornerstone of my mission: to tailor my coaching to the unique learning style of each individual I work with. By customizing my approach, our collaboration becomes informative and genuinely progressive, empowering leaders to unlock more of their potential.

At some point, we used to say, "Learning is fun!" What I've observed is that adult learning is typically fraught with anxiety, fear, and guilt. However, once the "aha" moments form, we achieve more than we would have thought possible or doable. Learning, when aligned with preferences, becomes a potent tool for growth. It's not just about acquiring knowledge—it's about transforming that knowledge into practical skill sets that elevate your leadership and career.

For many leaders, the challenge is not a lack of willingness to learn but rather an approach to understanding the driving and restraining forces on both the status quo and your vision. It's also rooted in a belief that behaviors are a function of person and environment, or, as the pioneering social psychologist Kurt Lewin expressed, b=f(p+e). In addition, the foundation and springboard for working with me are set in dignity, kindness, and respect – the cornerstones of my people dividend approach (The People Dividend: Leadership Strategies for Unlocking Potential book launch happens this fall)!

I've spent too much time in leadership development programs that don't work and some that are remarkable. I've made real progress in my leadership with a few powerful bosses, coaches, mentors, and giant leaps with those I have worked and coached.

In some ways, I've failed as a learner because I don't follow an orthodoxy of coaching. I've been trained in multiple approaches and methods (including Immunity to Change, Positive Intelligence Coaching, Tavistock, etc). I'm practical in advancing my client's best interests in ways that feel good and that others recognize. Consequently, I'm experimenting with a coaching framework I wanted to share with you today.

The PSYCH Framework for Tailored Coaching consists of five key principles: Personalization, Structure, Yield, Consistency, and Habitual Reflection. These principles allow you to create a personalized learning roadmap that aligns with your strengths and development areas.

Personalization: The heart of effective coaching begins with understanding who you are—your needs and wants, strengths and preferences, and aspirations and goals. By personalizing learning methods, the journey becomes yours and truly yours alone.

Structure: While there is value in flexibility, having a structured yet dynamic plan ensures that the learning objectives are clear. This allows you to track progress, measure outcomes, and adjust strategies as necessary to fit your evolving needs better.

Yield: Focus on high-impact activities that offer the greatest potential for growth. This ensures that you're investing your time and energy in areas where you can reap substantial rewards, personally and professionally.

Consistency: Consistent effort, riddled with moments of reflection and feedback, solidifies learning. The iterative loop of learning, doing, and reflecting ensures that knowledge is not fleeting but foundational to your leadership toolbox.

Habitual Reflection: Regular reflection fosters self-awareness and encourages adjustments in approach. Devoting time to introspect helps you recognize patterns, overcome challenges, and celebrate successes along your leadership journey.

The benefits of aligning your learning style with your leadership goals are immense. Engaged and tailored learning experiences boost retention, enhance satisfaction, and ultimately lead to higher achievement. Most importantly, they bridge the gap between where you are and where you aim to be, transforming learning into a source of engagement rather than a chore or obligation. Unfortunately, I've had my handful of reluctant executives, usually arriving to "correct" rather than to grow.

Talent is scarce; leaders need every edge to stay ahead. By understanding and embracing your unique learning style, you can turn those insights into actions, empowering you to navigate challenges with confidence and creativity. For those striving to reach the pinnacle of their potential, embrace this insight: change will only succeed with the first steps you take. Tailoring your learning to suit your unique style is the key to unlocking doors to new possibilities, enabling you to lead better.

Your power to foster change and unlock potential lies within. Subscribe to the Mike Horne LinkedIn Newsletter to continue this conversation and join a community dedicated to executive leadership and Organization Development. Thank you for reading, and here's to your incredible journey ahead.

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