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Don't Let Office Snakes Bite! Here's How to Deal with Them

Mike Horne
July 7, 2023
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It's snake season in Southern California's desert, and that inspired me to write about office snakes. As an avid hiker, I stay extra alert during this time of year. If you want to avoid getting bitten by office snakes, you'll want to read my reflections on the matter!

In every office, there's always that one person looking out for their own interest, no matter the cost. They're in it for themselves and won't hesitate to step on anyone to get ahead. These office snakes can be a real problem. They're often sly and sneaky and always looking for an opportunity to strike. They can cause chaos, drama, and a lot of stress, which can impact the overall productivity of the workplace. In this post, I will help you identify office snakes and provide you with five behaviors you can take in dealing with them.

Five Tips for Dealing with Office Snakes

1. Identify the snakes in the office

The first step in dealing with office snakes is to identify them. Some common signs of an office snake include gossiping, backstabbing, playing the victim, one-upping, and taking credit for other people's work. Watch out for individuals who try to control the narrative and manipulate situations to their benefit. Keep an eye on individuals who always seem to be in the middle of conflicts and seldom take responsibility for their actions.

2. Keep them at a distance

Once you've identified the office snakes, the next step is to keep them at a distance. Avoid sharing important information with them. Don't trust them with sensitive information or sensitive projects. Don't engage in gossip or rumors. Keep the communication with them short and to the point.

3. Connect with other colleagues

Connecting with other colleagues in the office is always a good idea. Build relationships based on trust and mutual respect. Find people who share your values and who you can count on to support you in difficult times. A strong network of colleagues can be a significant protection against office snakes.

4. Be assertive

Office snakes are often looking for targets that they can intimidate or manipulate. So, being assertive and straightforward in your communications with them is crucial. If you have to work with an office snake, set boundaries, and stick to them. When you push back, you show them you're not an easy target and won't put up with their behavior.

5. Stay positive

Finally, it's essential to stay positive. Dealing with office snakes can be stressful and take an emotional toll on you. It's important to take care of yourself and maintain a positive attitude. Don't let the negative behavior of others impact your work or your well-being. Stay focused on your goals, and don't let office snakes distract you from achieving them.

Office snakes can be a real problem in the workplace. They can cause chaos and undermine the productivity of the office. However, by identifying these individuals and taking assertive steps to deal with them, you can protect yourself and your colleagues from their behavior. Remember to keep your distance, build strong relationships with other colleagues, be assertive, and stay positive. Doing so can create a more productive, positive, and healthy work environment.

Remember, don't use these tips when encountering real snakes on desert hikes! Find a trusted source. And finding a trusted friend at work is always one of the best things to have in organizational life! Enjoy your hikes?

Have you ever had a challenging experience dealing with office snakes in the workplace?

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