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Five Authentic Leadership Actions To Create A More Candid Workplace

Mike Horne
April 29, 2022
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Are you tired of the constant politicking, office gossip, and hidden agendas in your workplace?

If so, you're not alone. Many executives are looking for ways to create a more open and candid work environment. And while there's no silver bullet solution, authentic leadership can play a big role.

This post provides five considerations for authentic leaders on the topic of candor. I'm fond that an early mentor, Warren Bennis, wrote extensively on the issues of openness and transparency. Following his observation that everything that can be found out will be, my observation is that every powerful follower-to-leader relationship springs from humanistic values of dignity and respect.

At the conclusion of this article, I hope that you'll share your insights and perspectives on candor and the authentic leader's journey.

  1. What is candor and why is it important in the workplace?

Candor is the quality of being open, honest, and sincere in communication. In the workplace, candor is important for building trust, developing relationships, and creating an environment where people feel comfortable speaking up. Leaders need to be able to have candid conversations with their team members to gain insights, give feedback, and address problems. Employees need to feel like they can be truthful with their boss without fear of reprisal. Candor fosters a culture of integrity and authenticity, essential values in the modern organization. When people can be candid with each other, they are more likely to work together effectively and find solutions that benefit the whole company. Candor is an essential ingredient for a thriving workplace.

  1. The benefits of using candor to create an authentic leadership style

Candor is the key to creating an authentic leadership style. Integrity is the foundation of leadership, and authentic leaders are those who are faithful to themselves and their values. They don't try to be someone they're not, and they don't put on a façade to impress others. Instead, they are genuine and honest in their interactions. Authentic leaders create a work environment based on mutual respect and trust. They encourage open communication and empower the expression of ideas and affirm the individual. As a result, employees feel valued and motivated to do their best work. Candor is a cornerstone of authentic leadership.

  1. How to be candid with your employees without coming across as rude or unprofessional

I hesitated to raise this point in the post, as if being candid, infers an invitation to be rude or unprofessional. Candor makes for more intimate conversation. Candor is about setting the example and being authentic in your interactions. This doesn't mean that you can be rough or unprofessional. Instead, you need to be willing to have difficult conversations and give feedback that might not always be popular. However, by being candid with your employees, you show them that you value their work and that you're committed to maintaining a high standard of integrity in the workplace. In turn, this inspires them to do the same.

  1. Tips for handling difficult conversations with candor

When engaging in a difficult conversation, it is important to maintain your leadership role with integrity and authenticity. It is also important to remember the dignity and respect of all parties involved. You can handle difficult conversations with candor by keeping these things in mind. First, you must be clear about what the conversation is regarding. This will help ensure that everyone is on the same page. Second, you must be honest and transparent in your communication. This means being clear about your feelings and intentions and those of the other party. Lastly, you must be respectful of everyone involved. This means listening to others without interruption and allowing them the same level of honesty and transparency that you expect from them. You bring dignity, grace, and respect to every situation you are privileged to lead by following these tips.

  1. Examples of how candor has been used successfully in the workplace

When used effectively, candor can help to build trust, foster collaboration, and promote healthy communication. Additionally, candor can play a role in enhancing leadership effectiveness and promoting organizational success. There are many examples of how candor has been used successfully in the workplace. For instance, leaders who are candid with their employees about their expectations and feedback can create a more positive and productive work environment. Similarly, organizations that encourage employees to be candid with each other can improve teamwork and build stronger relationships. Ultimately, candor can be a powerful tool for creating communities, spurring innovation, and growing prosperity.

Candor is a valuable communication tool that can help leaders create an authentic leadership style. When used correctly, candor can build trust and improve employee engagement and productivity. If you're interested in learning more about how to use candor effectively in the workplace, call me today. I'd be happy to discuss your specific situation and help you develop an approach to candid communication that will work for you and your team. Thanks for reading!

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